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ˆ 1 550 000

Type:Detached house | Selling

Bedrooms: 3 | Bathrooms: 3 | Floor: 3

Own pool: is

Public pool: no

Total area, m2: 220

The earth area, m2: 538

ˆ 260 000

Type:Town house | Selling

Bedrooms: 2 | Bathrooms: 3 | Floor: 2

Own pool: no

Public pool: is

Total area, m2: 93

The earth area, m2: 12

ˆ 800 000

Type: | Selling

Bedrooms: 3 | Bathrooms: 3 | Floor: 2

Own pool: is

Public pool: no

Total area, m2: 155

The earth area, m2: 500

ˆ 249 900

Type:Detached house | Selling

Bedrooms: 3 | Bathrooms: 3 |

Own pool: is

Public pool: no

Total area, m2: 130

The earth area, m2: 294

ˆ 299 000

Type:Detached house | Selling

Bedrooms: 3 | Bathrooms: 3 |

Own pool: is

Public pool: no

Total area, m2: 162

The earth area, m2: 400

ˆ 475 000

Type:Detached house | Selling

Bedrooms: 4 | Bathrooms: 3 |

Own pool: is

Public pool: no

Total area, m2: 180

The earth area, m2: 1097

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Exchange rates

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Rates on a mortgage have reached 9 % are indicators of pre-crisis level

Bank rates on a mortgage have reached if not to the bottom to "benthonic adjournment", and in next months to wait for essential changes it is not necessary. Thus, experts name present time "gold" for real estate purchase on a mortgage.

Experts consider, what exactly has now come time for habitation purchase   
Experts consider, what exactly has now come time for habitation purchase   
According to the data of the company "Fosborn Houm", in May the average minimum rate in dollars has not undergone changes, having stopped on a position which has reached in March - 9 %, credits in roubles have fallen in price on 0,25 %, having reached 11 %. For comparison, in January, 2009 the rate under the credit for real estate purchase in roubles reached 14,28 %, and in foreign currency - 13,19 %.
