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ˆ 1 550 000

Type:Detached house | Selling

Bedrooms: 3 | Bathrooms: 3 | Floor: 3

Own pool: is

Public pool: no

Total area, m2: 220

The earth area, m2: 538

ˆ 260 000

Type:Town house | Selling

Bedrooms: 2 | Bathrooms: 3 | Floor: 2

Own pool: no

Public pool: is

Total area, m2: 93

The earth area, m2: 12

ˆ 800 000

Type: | Selling

Bedrooms: 3 | Bathrooms: 3 | Floor: 2

Own pool: is

Public pool: no

Total area, m2: 155

The earth area, m2: 500

ˆ 249 900

Type:Detached house | Selling

Bedrooms: 3 | Bathrooms: 3 |

Own pool: is

Public pool: no

Total area, m2: 130

The earth area, m2: 294

ˆ 299 000

Type:Detached house | Selling

Bedrooms: 3 | Bathrooms: 3 |

Own pool: is

Public pool: no

Total area, m2: 162

The earth area, m2: 400

ˆ 475 000

Type:Detached house | Selling

Bedrooms: 4 | Bathrooms: 3 |

Own pool: is

Public pool: no

Total area, m2: 180

The earth area, m2: 1097

Weather on Kipr

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Èíôîðìåðû - êóðñû âàëþò
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How to rent the house, apartments or a country house abroad?

There comes summer - a season of holidays and rest. And before the tourists wishing separately to have a rest on the rented foreign summer residence, there is a number of the problems demanding the decision.

The first difficulty is a visa, to which opening usually it is required to show áðîíü habitation or the lease contract. Thus, we show to embassy our intention to return back after rest. The second difficulty - dearness of air flight. To buy the ticket for individual travel is more expensive, than flight within the limits of a charter flight organized by tour operator. Economic flights (ëîóêîñòû) are not accessible yet to Russians. The third difficult moment consists that hotels give to tour operators of a discount for placing. Thus, purchase of the average permit will manage more cheaply.
